Photo © Andy Mitchell

Scythris potentillella

Checklist Number
43.006 [B&F: 0920]

Record requires retention of specimen until confirmed, and may require dissection. Consult with CMR if unsure


Authority:(Zeller, 1847)

This species was first discovered in Britain in 2014 when a larva was found in Thetford, Norfolk and subsequently at other sites in Norfolk and Suffolk. It has since been found in other areas of east and south England, and has either been overlooked, or is undergoing range expansion.

Adult moths can be found on the wing between May and August, possibly in two generations.

Very similar to dark examples of S. cicadella, from which separated only by dissection of the genitalia. Larva feeds on Common Sorrel and Sheep's Sorrel, living within a silken web.

Not recorded from Hampshire and Isle of Wight to date (2024), but has been found in Berkshire and Surrey, so sites in the north-east of our area will almost certainly result in a population being found.