Local in woodland, gardens, orchards, parks and scrub throughout much of Britain and southern Ireland. In Hampshire and on the Isle of Wight recorded in small numbers from all three vice-counties, but until recently only in southern Hampshire; it appears to be very local. In North Hampshire, Goater (1974) contains undated references to it being scarce in the Itchen Valley, and at Chilbolton: confirmed records from the north-east around Fleet in 2022 and 2023 give more concrete evidence that this species has a foothold in the county. Wingspan 10-14 mm. Distinguished from
G. funebrana by the greyish white labial palpi and frons and the comparatively uniform purplish fuscous general coloration of the forewing [Bradley]. Larva feeds within fruit of Dog-rose and Cultivated Rose, over-wintering in a cocoon.